October 2015 Trivia and Insights

Nov 3, 2015 | Trivia Answers

Minimum Wage Issue Q: When was the last time the federal minimum wage was raised?

  1. 2012
  2. 2009 (correct)
  3. 2006

Q: What’s the federal minimum wage for tipped employees, such as waiters and waitresses, nail salon workers and parking attendants?

  1. $2.13 (correct)
  2. $4.40
  3. $6.54

Q: What’s the average age of a minimum-wage earner?

  1. 21
  2. 28
  3. 35 (correct)

  High-Speed Rail Issue Q: The first high-speed rail system was launched in Japan in what year?

  1. 1964 (correct)
  2. 1981
  3. 1998

Q: California’s high-speed rail will be capable of speeds of more than ___ miles per hour?

  1. 160
  2. 200 (correct)
  3. 350

Q: How much of their income does the average U.S. household spend on transportation?

  1. 9%
  2. 18% (correct)
  3. 29%