Links and Discussion Questions March 2025 – Teacher Ideas


THE BODY OF WATER formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico is now listed on Google Maps as the Gulf of America for U.S. users, Google announced on Feb. 10, 2025.

Issue 1: Gulf of America H.R.276, “Gulf of America Act of 2025” “EPA Renames Its Gulf Division to Honor the Gulf of America” “Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness”
Google Blog: “Gulf of America Name Change in the United States” “Who Will Call It the Gulf of America?”
Fox News: “Google Maps, FAA Officially Acknowledge Gulf of America”
Fox News Video: “The View Co-Host on Gulf of America Name Change”

Issue 2: AM Radio S.315, “AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2025”
Inside Radio: “Radio Industry Applauds Reintroduction Of AM Radio Bill” “82 Million Americans Depend on AM Radio”
National Association of Broadcasters: “Keep AM Radio in Cars Public Safety”
Fox News: “Officials Sound Alarm on Carmakers Dropping AM Radio”
Washington Post: “End of a Love Affair: AM Radio is Being Removed from Cars”


Issue 1: Gulf of America

  1. Watch the Fox News video (link above) where a co-host of The View argues that Gulf of America is a more inclusive name because “America” includes both Mexico and the U.S. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  2. Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum dismissed Trump’s decision to rename the gulf. “For us and for the entire world it will continue to be called the Gulf of Mexico,” she said. Why do you think Mexico opposes renaming the gulf and instead wants to preserve the name as the Gulf of Mexico?
  3. Why do the names of geographic entities matter to countries? What do map names symbolize to various nations? (e.g., power, culture, historical significance)
  4. Summarize the arguments for and against changing the name from Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America. Which position do you agree with and why?
  5. How do geographic names strengthen a country’s claims to ownership of a certain place?

Issue 2: AM Radio

  1. What are the arguments for and against congress requiring automakers to include AM radio in new vehicles? Decide where you stand on the issue, then see if you can argue the other side’s position.
  2. Do you think AM radio will continue to be relevant in the future? Why or why not?
  3. Automakers say that cell phones are much better at broadcasting emergency alerts than AM radio. With today’s smartphones, is AM radio still necessary? Why or why not?
  4. According to the Nielsen Company, AM radio listeners tend to be older (about one-third of them are over age 65). As a young person, do you think AM radio is still useful? Why or why not?
  5. AM radio is free to all drivers of cars that have it. Given this fact, how does AM radio compare to other modes of communication such as cell phone and Wi-Fi reception?


Links + Discussion Questions February 2025


BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP is a legal principle under which citizenship is automatically granted to individuals based on place of birth. In the United States, birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Issue 1: Birthright Citizenship
Heritage Foundation: “A Fundamental Misunderstanding of 14th Amendment”
Constitution Center: “Revisiting the Birthright Citizenship Question”
American Immigration Council: “Birthright Citizenship”
CNN News: “How Trump Is Banking on 18th Century Laws for Citizenship”
PBS News: “What Is Birthright Citizenship and Could Trump End It?”
Reuters: “Biden Says Awful that Trump Seeks to End Birthright Citizenship”

Issue 2: Daylight Saving Time S.582, “Sunshine Protection Act” “What Is Daylight Saving Time?”
AASM Sleep Education: “Daylight Saving Time Resources”
Farmer’s Almanac: “Daylight Saving Time 2025”
National Conference of State Legislatures: “DST State Legislation”
Encyclopedia Britannica: “Daylight Saving Time News”


Issue 1: Birthright Citizenship

  1. After reading the Issue One page of the newsletter, what are your views on the issue of birthright citizenship?
  2. Are you for or against ending U.S. birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants? Why? Justify your answers with arguments.
  3. Do you feel that undocumented immigrants take advantage of the current U.S. policy on birthright citizenship? Why or why not?
  4. Were you aware of the issue before reading these materials? Had you formed an opinion? If so, has your opinion changed? Why or why not?
  5. What are the costs of maintaining the current policy on birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. of undocumented immigrants?

Issue 2: Daylight Saving Time

  1. Should the United States make daylight saving time permanent year round? Why or why not?
  2. Visit and read the arguments for permanent standard time. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the proposal?
  3. How does “springing forward” and “falling back” affect you personally? Which time zone do you prefer and why?
  4. Why do you think some states opt out of daylight saving time?
  5. Compare and contrast the economic advantages and disadvantages of daylight saving time with those of standard time. Is daylight saving time better for the economy overall? Explain your answer.



Links + Discussion Questions Dec 2024

Sanctuary City road sign

A ‘SANCTUARY CITY’ is a term for a jurisdiction with a policy or practice that discourages local law enforcement from reporting the immigration status of undocumented immigrants to the federal government.


Issue 1: Sanctuary Cities H.R.5717, “No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act”
Fox News: “Which Cities, Counties and States are ‘Sanctuary’ Jurisdictions?”
National Conference of State Legislatures: “Navigating Immigration Policy”
National Immigration Forum: “Bill Analysis: No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act” “What Are Sanctuary Cities?”
Fox News: “Blue Cities Rush Dismantle Migrant Shelters as Trump Approaches”

Issue 2: STOP CCP Act H.R.3334, “STOP Chinese Communist Party Act” H.R. 3334 – “STOP CCP Act” For and Against Arguments “Statement of Biden Administration Policy on ‘STOP CCP Act’”
Washington Post: “Trump Set to Deepen Tech Cold War with China”
House Foreign Affairs Committee: “Confronting the China Challenge”
Congressional Budget Office: “STOP CCP Act Cost Estimate”


Issue 1: Sanctuary Cities

  1. After looking at the Fox News article on which locations are sanctuary cities (link above), what do sanctuary cities have in common? Why do some places decide to become sanctuary cities?
  2. Do you think city governments should always cooperate with state or federal governments? Why or why not?
  3. What is a sanctuary city? Why do people support or oppose sanctuary cities? What is your stance?
  4. Is Immigration an issue in your city or state? Why or why not?
  5. What rights should illegal immigrants have in our country?

Issue 2: STOP CCP Act

  1. Do you think Chinese efforts to surpass American global economic, military, and political power are succeeding or failing? Why or why not?
  2. What do people mean when they describe a country as “number one?” How might your life be different if China was the “number one” nation in the world?
  3. Does the power of China make you worried in any way? Why or why not?
  4. How do you think the new Trump administration will change U.S. economic policy toward China?
  5. How might the United States have a less confrontational and more productive relationship with China?

Links and Discussion Questions Nov 2024 (President Election + Congress Term Limits)


Issue 1: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

ESTABLISHING CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS through a new constitutional amendment is no small task. Since 1787, just 27 amendments have been added to the U.S. Constitution.

Trump Campaign Website: Donald J. Trump on the Issues (full list)
Harris Campaign Website: Kamala Harris on the Issues (full list) “Presidential Candidates 2024” “Election Resource Center” “2024 Presidential Election Interactive Map” “Presidential Candidates Comparison Chart on the Issues”

Issue 2: Congressional Term Limits H.J. Res. 11 – Congressional Term Limits “Why Term Limits for Congress Face Challenging Path”
Heritage Foundation: “Term Limits, the Only Way to Clean Up Congress” “Term Limits for Congress…Why Experts Say They’d Be a Bad Idea”
U.S. Term Limits: “Why Term Limits?” “Sen. Cruz Introduces Constitutional Amendment – Term Limits”


Issue 1: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

  1. Read the presidential candidates “on the issues” (pp. 2-3 of the newsletter). For an unabridged list, visit each candidate’s campaign website (links above). Which issues are the most important to you personally? Why?
  2. After looking at the candidates’ positions on the issues, what do you see as at stake in this election—for yourself, your generation, your community, your country, and the world? Which candidate do you feel is the best choice for our next U.S. president—Trump, Harris, or “other?” Why?
  3. When did you first become aware of having political opinions? Who or what do you think shaped them? Did your parents or family members influence you—or was it more your friends, a teacher, or your church that played a crucial role? Have your opinions changed over time? How so?
  4. Whether in school, with family and friends, or online, what experiences have you had in talking to people who may not agree with you? What has been helpful? What has been hard? Why do these conversations matter?
  5. What are you optimistic about? What might your generation do better than those who came before it?

Issue 2: Congressional Term Limits

  1. Should members of congress be subject to term limits? How many terms should they be allowed to run for?
  2. Currently, the Constitution requires representatives to be at least 25 years old and senators to be at least 30. Some have suggested imposing a mandatory retirement age for members of Congress or a maximum age of election. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  3. The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the president from serving more than two four-year terms. Does it make sense to have term limits for the executive branch of government (the president and his or her administration) but not for the legislative branch (members of congress)? Why or why not?
  4. Summarize the “for” and “against” arguments for setting congressional term limits. Which position do you agree with? Why?
  5. Proponents of congressional term limits say longtime members of congress have an “incumbency advantage,” making them practically unbeatable and less likely to listen to their constituents. Do you think the incumbent advantage presents a problem for true representation in congress? Would term limits solve this problem? What other changes might make races more competitive?

Links and Discussion Questions 10/2024 (Digital Privacy + SNAP Benefits)


Issue 1: SNAP Benefits

Digital privacy; hands on computer keyboard; padlock.

DIGITAL PRIVACY in the United States has become a hot topic, with consumer rights groups opposing the practices of companies that collect and use consumer data. H.R.8467 “Farm, Food, and National Security Act”
The Hill: “A Fight Over SNAP Funding Could Derail the Farm Bill”
Senate Committee on Agriculture: “Reviewing Baseline Nutrition Programs”
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “House Farm Bill’s SNAP Cut”
Urban Institute: “Food Insecurity on the Rise, SNAP Spending Cuts Dangerous”
Heritage Foundation: “Food Stamp Reforms to Save Taxpayers Billions”

Issue 2: National Privacy Law H.R. 8818 “American Privacy Rights Act of 2024”
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “Letter on the ‘American Privacy Rights Act’”
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “EFF Opposes the American Privacy Rights Act” “U.S. State Privacy Legislation Tracker” “American Privacy Rights Act Could Undercut State Privacy”
Tech Policy OpEd: “Big Tech Tried to Kill My State’s Privacy Bill”


Issue 1: SNAP Benefits

  1. In 2023, 33.6 million adults and 13.8 million children lived in food-insecure households, compared to 30.8 million adults and 13.4 million children in 2022. Why do you think “food insecurity” is on the rise in the U.S.? Hint: Read the Urban Institute article (link above) for insight on the term “food insecurity.”
  2. Is the SNAP or food stamps program the best solution to poverty in the U.S.? Why or why not?
  3. Individuals who receive SNAP benefits must shop, cook, and eat on a budget of $4.40 a day. If you had to make a grocery list within the limits of this SNAP budget, on which foods would you spend the money? Why?
  4. Some lawmakers believe welfare programs like SNAP create a “culture of dependency.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  5. What are the potential consequences for families banned from food stamps due to past drug convictions?

Issue 2: National Privacy Law

  1. Using the U.S. state privacy law tracker (link above), look up your state’s privacy law. How would you feel if a weaker national privacy law preempted your state’s privacy law?
  2. Read the Tech Policy opinion piece by Vermont State Representative Monique Priestley (link above). Are you surprised by her stance? Why or why not?
  3. Which is more important—having access to online content and social media sharing, or privacy? Is there a way to have both? Why or why not?
  4. Digital privacy spans many areas of our lives, including government spying on U.S. citizens, parental monitoring of their children, and corporate tracking of consumers. Which of these types of spying is the most egregious? Why?
  5. Over history, the federal government has expanded its powers at the expense of the states. Why do you think the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has not protected state power more effectively from federal encroachment?

Ideas for Teachers September 2024 (Voter Eligibility + Supreme Court Term Limits)


VOTER ELIGIBILITY is governed by the U.S. Constitution as well as federal and state laws. To vote in a presidential election, you must be 18 years old and a United States citizen. Each state has its own requirements.

Issue 1: SAVE Act (Voter Eligibility) H.R.8281, “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” or “SAVE Act” SAVE Act One-Pager – Republican (Rep. Chip Roy) SAVE Act One-Pager – Democrat (Rep. Joseph Morelle)
Bipartisan Policy Center: “Five Things to Know About the SAVE Act”
Heritage Foundation: “Vote ‘Yes’ on the SAVE Act”
League of Women Voters: “Urge Your Members of Congress to Oppose the SAVE Act”

Issue 2: Supreme Court Term Limits
WaPo OpEd: President Joe Biden – “My Plan to Reform the Supreme Court”
Heritage Foundation: “Biden’s Attempt to Control Supreme Court Is Unconstitutional” “Biden Calls for Supreme Court Term Limits as Part of Reform Plan”
CBS News: “Biden Proposes Major Supreme Court Reforms as Controversy Swirls” “Term Limits” “Supreme Court Term Limits”


Issue 1: SAVE Act (Voter Eligibility)

  1. Should Congress pass the SAVE Act to ensure that only U.S. citizens are registered to vote? Why or why not?
  2. Do those with the right to vote have more power than those without? Why or why not?
  3. Why are so many people apathetic when it comes to voting? What happens (or could happen) when people do not vote?
  4. Do you think it makes sense to be 18 and not exercise your right to vote? Why or why not?
  5. What issues would bring more young people to the polls to vote, if included on ballots?

Issue 2: Supreme Court Term Limits

  1. Would Supreme Court term limits contradict Article III of the U.S. Constitution, which states justices shall “hold their Offices during good Behavior?” Why or why not?
  2. If term limits are good for the executive and legislative branches of government, might term limits also be good for the judicial branch? Why or why not?
  3. Critics of Supreme Court term limits say it is an effort to grab the power Democrats have lost. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Since the drafting of the Constitution, the legislative and executive branches of government have become more democratized. For example, senators are elected directly by voters in the states they represent. Should the judiciary undergo similar reform? Why or why not?
  5. Could changing the current structure of the judicial branch have no effect, or the opposite intended? Why or why not?

Ideas for Teachers May 2024


TikTok has become an immensely popular app with teens and young social media users for its short videos and customized song and dance features. But recently the app is the subject of scrutiny over fears it could be used by the Chinese Communist government to censor content and spy on Americans.

Issue 1: TikTok Ban H.R.7521, “Protecting Americans Foreign Controlled Apps” “TikTok Ban Top Pros and Cons” “What Banning TikTok in the U.S. Would Look Like” “These 39 States Already Ban TikTok from Government Devices” “House Passes TikTok Ban Bill” “House Passed TikTok Ban Bill. But Is App a National Security Threat?”

Issue 2: Ukraine Aid H.R.5692, “Ukraine Security Assistance Appropriations Act”
Government Accountability Office: “What’s the Status of U.S. Aid to Ukraine?” “The Case for and Against Aid to Ukraine” “Mike Johnson Faces Revolt by Republicans on Ukraine Aid” “Speaker Johnson Faces Ukraine Aid Dilemma” “Senators Push Forward with Ukraine Aid as World Watches”


Issue 1: TikTok Ban

  1. Should TikTok be banned in the U.S.? Why or why not? What alternative solutions do you suggest?
  2. Although they’re owned by the same company, China’s version of TikTok offers a child-friendly version, with educational videos and a time limit that isn’t offered in the U.S. Do you think it’s possible China is using TikTok to influence a generation of American youth?
  3. Is TikTok merely a fun video app, or something more insidious? If you were a parent, would you allow your kids to use the app? Why or why not?
  4. The TikTok app contains a great deal of private information about American users and this data is stored offshore. But is it futile to worry about Chinese government surveillance in an age where all big tech companies (and the U.S. government) are spying on us anyway?
  5. Should American federal or state governments ban TikTok on government devices? Why or why not?

Issue 2: Ukraine Aid

  1. What are the arguments for and against the U.S. continuing to give aid to Ukraine to fight Russia?
  2. Some foreign policy experts believe that Russia seeks to weaken Ukraine by waging a “war of attrition.” What do you think that means?
  3. Former President Donald Trump has accused President Joe Biden of putting “Ukraine first” and “America last.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think support for Ukraine is important to U.S. interests? Why or why not?
  5. Do you feel that Ukraine should advance toward NATO membership? Why or why not?

Ideas for Teachers April 2024


NUCLEAR ENERGY is found in the nucleus of atoms. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. To make electricity, energy must be released from these atoms through either fission or fusion.

Issue 1: Liquefied Natural Gas H.R.7176, “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024”
White House: “Biden Announces Pause on Approvals of LNG Exports”
Reuters: “U.S. House Passes Bill to Reverse Biden’s LNG Pause” “Why Pausing LNG Exports Is Bad Foreign Policy” “Liquefied Natural Gas 101” “Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)”

Issue 2: Nuclear Energy H.R.6544 “Atomic Energy Advancement Act”
The Hill OpEd: “Conflicts of Interest Nuclear Laws Could Undermine Safety”
World Nuclear Association: “Nuclear Power in the World Today”
New York Times: “Nuclear Power Bill Passed by House, Support Grows”
Center for Sustainable Systems (University of MI): “Nuclear Energy Fact Sheet” “Nuclear Power 101”


Issue 1: Liquefied Natural Gas

  1. Read the White House statement on why the Biden administration temporarily paused exports of LNG (link above). Do you agree with the decision and its rationale? Why or why not?
  2. What are the arguments for and against the U.S. continuing to export liquefied natural gas (LNG)?
  3. Environmental activists argue that furthering U.S. LNG exports is incompatible with our climate commitments because they will lock in fossil fuel consumption to the detriment of renewable energy sources. How would you respond to their position?
  4. Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) has said that climate advocates who fight LNG projects are heroes. “I can only hope that we build off Biden’s pause to get to a green, clean future,” he said. If Rep. Frost was (or is) your congressman, what would you write to him in a letter?
  5. What is an example of an energy source that is renewable and has less environmental impact than fossil fuels?

Issue 2: Nuclear Energy

  1. What images spring to mind when you hear the term “nuclear energy?”
  2. Is nuclear energy better than fossil fuels? Should we pursue other strategies like geothermal and solar instead?
  3. Are the impacts of the Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (Japan, 2011) nuclear accidents still relevant today? If so, how?
  4. How would you feel if a nuclear power plant were built in your community?
  5. Are there better alternatives to nuclear energy?

Ideas for Teachers for March 2024


SECTION 230 of the Communications Decency Act stipulates that “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”

Issue 1: Daylight Saving Time S.582 “Sunshine Protection Act of 2023”
National Conference of State Legislatures: “DST State Legislation”
Journal of Sleep Medicine: “American Academy of Sleep Medicine Statement”
NYT: “Bill to Make DST Permanent Re-emerges from the Dark” “Six Things to Know about the Political Debate around DST”
Smithsonian Magazine: “What Happened Last Time U.S. Made DST Permanent?”

Issue 2: Social Media Safety S.1409 “Kids Online Safety Act” “‘You Have Blood on Your Hands,’ Senator Tells Zuckerberg”
CBS News: “Meta CEO Zuckerberg Apologizes to Parents of Victims”
cdasec230: “Communications Decency Act Pros and Cons”
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “Section 230 Communications Decency Act
WaPo: “Meta’s Zuckerberg Apologizes to Child Abuse Victims in Hearing”


Issue 1: Daylight Saving Time

  1. Should the United States make Daylight Saving Time permanent year round? Why or why not?
  2. Visit and read the arguments for permanent Standard Time. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the proposal?
  3. How does “springing forward” and “falling back” affect you personally? Which time zone do you prefer and why?
  4. Why do you think some states like Hawaii and most of Arizona opt out of Daylight Saving Time?
  5. Compare and contrast the economic advantages and disadvantages of Daylight Saving Time with those of Standard Time. Is DST better for the economy overall? Explain your answer.

Issue 2: Social Media Safety

  1. In your own experience with social media, have you encountered rude or abusive behavior from others? What do you think is a good solution to this problem?
  2. Should the social media platform itself be responsible for the behavior and comments of users? Why or why not?
  3. Do you believe Section 230’s protections for big tech companies need to be revised? If so, what changes would you make?
  4. Do social media networks cause more harm than good? Why or why not?
  5. How does the Bill of Rights’ First Amendment protect free speech in the U.S.?

Ideas for Teachers for February 2024


THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools. Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the program provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or no-cost lunches to children each school day.

Issue 1: Whole Milk H.R.1147, “Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023”
USDA: “The National School Lunch Program Fact Sheet” “Whole Milk Facts”
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: “Dairy Milk Isn’t Healthy” “Debate Surrounds Nutrition of Full-Fat Milk” “School Cafeterias Might Serve Whole Milk Again”

Issue 2: FISA Surveillance
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: “Constitutional Amendment 4: Privacy”
Brennan Center for Justice: “Congress Should Not Reauthorize Surveillance”
Center for Strategic & International Studies: “Reforming Section 702 of FISA”
Americans for Prosperity: “Key Vote Alert: Vote YES on HR 6570″
WaPo Op-Ed: “FISA Provision Vital to Beating the Opioid Crisis”
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “Surveillance ‘Reform’ Bill a Farce”


Issue 1: Whole Milk

  1. Regulations limiting milk options for schools surfaced under the Obama administration, when former First Lady Michelle Obama championed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Are programs like these examples of government overreach? Why or why not?
  2. If you had the option to buy whole or 2% milk (flavored or unflavored) for your school lunches, would you drink milk more? If so, what advantages and/or disadvantages would that bring?
  3. What weight should be given to the opinions of nutrition experts, parents, and even children when determining what food is served in schools?
  4. By limiting children’s lunch options to only fat-free or low-fat milk, is the government actually discouraging kids from drinking milk?
  5. If the “Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act” is passed by Congress, can you think of any negative consequences that might occur? Would the potential negative consequences outweigh the benefits?

Issue 2: FISA Surveillance


  1. Does FISA Section 702 need to be amended to strengthen protections of Americans’ constitutional and privacy rights? Or should Congress permanently reauthorize it as is?
  2. Why do you think some legislators are concerned about the potential for abuse of power among employees and/or contractors of federal government intelligence agencies?
  3. Read the wording of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (link above). Opponents of FISA Section 702 claim that it creates a “massive end run around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Are Americans’ constitutional rights possibly being violated by some federal agencies’ current interpretations of FISA Section 702? Why or why not?
  5. What reforms, if any, would balance the national security value of the foreign intelligence collection program with the protection of privacy rights and civil liberties?

Ideas for Teachers for December 2023


Issue 1: Minimum Wage S.2488, “Raise the Wage Act of 2023” “Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?”
U.S. Department of Labor: “History of Changes to the Minimum Wage Law”
Wharton School, University of PA: “Why Raising Minimum Wage Has Long-Term Costs” “Sanders, Scott Unveil $17 Federal Minimum Wage Bill” “Why the U.S. Needs at least a $17 Minimum Wage”

Issue 2: Secure the Border Act S.2824, “Secure the Border Act of 2023”
U.S. Congressional Budget Office: “H.R.2, Secure the Border Act of 2023” “Cruz Introduces Senate Companion to House-Passed Secure Border Act” “Statement of Administration Policy – Secure the Border Act 2023”
WaPo OpEd, Fareed Zakaria: “Democrats Should Admit They’re Wrong on Immigration” “Bill Analysis — Secure the Border Act of 2023” “Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart Introduces ‘Secure the Border Act 2023’”


Issue 1: Minimum Wage

  1. Do you support or oppose gradually raising the federal minimum wage to $17 an hour? If you were speaking to a person who disagreed with your position, what would you say to persuade them to see your side of the issue?
  2. Some proponents of raising the federal minimum wage say the current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour traps people in poverty. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  3. If you were a business owner, would you want the minimum wage to increase? Why or why not?
  4. What is your personal view on whether to raise the federal minimum wage? Use relevant reasons from your life experiences as well as research.
  5. Who bears the costs of a higher minimum wage? (Hint: In addition to businesses who have higher labor costs, this could also include workers who suffer reduced hours as well as young job seekers who find it difficult to find a job.)

Issue 2: Secure the Border Act

  1. Some people believe a good way to slow illegal immigration is to fine U.S. businesses who employ illegal immigrants. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  2. In Fareed Zakaria’s Op-Ed (link above), Zakaria states that to gain control of illegal immigration, the president should suspend admission of asylum seekers to the U.S. since asylum has become a way to game the system. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  3. Do you believe there is a relationship between illegal immigration and crime? Why or why not?
  4. What would happen if we erased all country borders and let people live wherever they wanted?
  5. When is immigration helpful to a country and when is it harmful?



Ideas for Teachers for November 2023


Issue 1: Gas Cars vs. EVs H.R.1435, “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act”

GASOLINE-POWERED CARS are familiar, quick to refuel, and can travel long distances between fill-ups, all of which can’t (yet) necessarily be said about electric vehicles or EVs. However, EVs offer a unique set of positives, from an inherently exhilarating drive feel to a significantly less harmful impact on the environment. “Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: What’s the Difference?” “Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Everything You Need to Know” “Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars Pros and Cons” “Will an Electric Car Save You Money?” “Electric Car vs. Gas Car Environmental Impact” “Electric Vehicle Myths”

Issue 2: Student Loan Debt “Student Loan Forgiveness, Education Department Begins” “Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Plan Advances with Debate” “Student Loan Debt Elimination – Pros and Cons” “Supreme Court Rejects Biden’s Student Loan Plan” “Biden’s New Student Debt Strategy”
Center for American Progress: “What’s Next for Student Loan Borrowers?”


Issue 1: Gas Cars vs. EVs

  1. What are the arguments for and against Congress passing a bill to prevent states from banning the sale of gas-powered cars? Where do you stand on the issue?
  2. How important is giving American consumers the power to choose whether they will purchase a gas-powered vehicle or an electric vehicle?
  3. What factors might make electric cars more expensive than gas cars initially? What factors might make electric cars more affordable over time?
  4. Let’s compare the Tesla Model 3 (electric) to the Toyota Camry XLE (gas). Which car do you believe costs more over all (to buy and to drive) over its full lifetime? Why?
  5. What infrastructure and resources are required to support mass adoption of electric vehicles in the U.S.? Is the cost worth the investment? Why or why not?

Issue 2: Student Loan Debt

1. Supporters of the Biden administration’s efforts to forgive student loan debt say it would deliver relief to debt-burdened households and lift the economy. Opponents, however, say it’s unfair to those who avoided debt or made sacrifices so they could repay their loans. Where do you stand on the issue? Explain your position.
2. Does student debt affect you or someone you know, and if so, how? What went into the decision to take on student debt? How do you (or they) feel about the decision now?
3. Would forgiving all or part of people’s student loan debt help narrow the racial wealth gap? Why or why not?
4. Some people think student loan debt should be “forgiven” and college tuition should be paid for by the government. Who would actually pay those costs?
5. Should people who chose not to attend college be forced to pay for others’ college education? Why or why not?