Research Links & Critical Thinking Questions for October 2018 Topics


Issue 1: Minimum Wage

U.S. Department of Labor: State Minimum Wage Laws
National Conference of State Legislatures: State Minimum Wage Laws
Economic Policy Institute: Minimum Wage Tracker  
The Guardian: “How Much Is an Hour Worth? The War Over Minimum Wage” 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Living Wage Calculator
Forbes: “McDonald’s Says Goodbye Cashiers, Hello Kiosks”
Issue 2: Fuel Efficiency Standards

Federal Register: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking from EPA and NHTSA
EPA: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle
InsideClimateNews: “How Pruitt’s EPA Is Weakening Clean Air Rules” 
Reuters: “U.S. States Vow to Fight Trump Rollback on Auto Emissions” 
Washington Post: “Trump Administration Says Weaker Fuel Standards Saves …”
EPA: Estimate Your Carbon Footprint Calculator


Issue 1:  Minimum Wage

  1. Visit the U.S. Department of Labor link above to see if your state has a minimum wage law. How does your state compare to other states? Do you think it should be higher or lower than it is?
  2. How does the minimum wage issue relate to gender and race?
  3. Use the Living Wage Calculator (link above) to calculate your living wage. Should the U.S. should establish a “living wage” standard? Why or why not?
  4. Do you support or oppose raising the minimum wage? If you were speaking to a person who disagreed, what is the strongest argument in support of your position?
  5. Do you think that if the minimum wage was raised, it would ultimately help or hurt workers?


Issue 2: Fuel Efficiency Standards

  1. Does the responsibility to slow down or stop climate change belong to humans? Why or why not?
  2. Using the EPA’s Carbon Footprint Calculator (link above), calculate your carbon footprint. What does the term “carbon footprint” mean? Why do people care about their carbon footprint?
  3. On an individual level, what can you do to limit your “carbon contribution” to the environment?
  4. Are greenhouse gases a natural part of the earth’s climate system? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think the U.S. should weaken their fuel-efficiency standards? Why or why not?

Research Links & Critical Thinking Questions for September 2018 Topics


Issue 1: Supreme Court About the U.S. Supreme Court   
Georgetown University: Supreme Court Nomination and Confirmation Process
Supreme Court Historical Society: How the Court Works Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court 
NYT: “10 Supreme Court Cases Every Teen Should Know” 
CNN: “Where Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Stands on the Issues”  

Issue 2: Bullying Laws List of State Laws on Bullying
Text of Pennsylvania State Rep. Frank Burns’ House Bill 2217
Bully Police USA: Watchdog Reporting on State Anti-Bullying Laws 
Huffington Post OpEd: “Why Criminalizing Bullying Is the Wrong Approach” 
Crisis Prevention Institute: 5 School Bullying Misperceptions
Psychology Today OpEd: “Anti-Bullying Laws Punish the Tax Payer” Cyberbullying Statistics


Issue 1:  Supreme Court

  1. Do you think Supreme Court justices should take an active role in politics? Why or why not?
  2. What defines a “conservative” or “liberal” Supreme Court justice?
  3. What is a justice’s responsibility when their personal opinions are in conflict with the rule of law in a case?
  4. Should the people be allowed to approve Supreme Court appointments instead of, or in addition to, the U.S. Senate? Why or why not?
  5. Read the “10 Supreme Court Cases Every Teen Should Know” article (link above) and explain how the Supreme Court affects your life personally?

Issue 2: Bullying Laws

  1. Do you think parents should be fined if their child bullies? Why or why not?
  2. What kind of interventions can young people use to prevent or stop bullying? List three things you could do to defuse a bullying situation.
  3. Do you think you’ve ever bullied someone? If so, why? What made you stop or continue to bully?
  4. Do you think bullying is a serious problem in your school? Why or why not?
  5. What can be done to make schools safer and more inclusive?

Research Links & Critical Thinking Questions for May 2018 Topics


Issue 1: Digital Privacy
The Guardian: 50 Million Facebook Profiles Harvested for Cambridge Analytica”
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Original Text of the Senate CLOUD Act Bill
Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA): Press Release on CLOUD Act Passage
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “Responsibility Deflected, the CLOUD Act Passes”
European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Key Changes Fact Check: Facebook Makes Shaky Privacy Claims

Issue 2: Trade War
Roll Call: “China Trade Tariffs Stir Support, Fears and Retaliation Threat” 
White House: “President’s Actions Responding to China’s Unfair Trade Practices” 
Statement from Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) on President Trump’s Tariffs 
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer’s Statement on President Trump’s Tariffs 
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Report on “Made in China 2025” Plan
New York Times: “If There’s a U.S.-China Trade War, China May Have Weapons”



Issue 1:  Digital Privacy

  1. In your opinion, does Facebook respect the privacy rights of its users? What, if anything, should be done to protect FB users’ personal data in the future?
  2. Some states have laws that provide privacy protections for citizens who live there. Do you support the inclusion of privacy protections in your state’s laws? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think Congress should strengthen privacy protections for U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
  4. If a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution was added to specifically protect Americans’ right to privacy, how would you word it?
  5. Do you think that the right to privacy is a fundamental freedom, like freedom of religion? Why or why not?

Issue 2: Trade War

  1. Do you feel President Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on China will ultimately help or hurt the U.S.? Justify your position.
  2. Will China surpass the United States as the world’s superpower? Why or why not?
  3. Should the U.S. view China as a threat or an opportunity?
  4. What role should Congress play in easing tensions between the U.S. and China and facilitating greater cooperation?
  5. What is the difference between “absolute advantage” and “comparative advantage?” What “absolute advantage” does China have over the United States and what “comparative ad-vantage” does the U.S. have over China?

Research Links & Critical Thinking Questions for April 2018


Issue 1: Gun Control Laws Background on History of Second Amendment & Guns in America
RAND Corp.: Magnitude and Sources of Disagreement Among Gun Policy Experts
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): America’s Gun Culture in 10 Charts on Gun Control Pro and Con 
International Civilian Gun Ownership Rates ( 
FBI’s Expanded Homicide Data Table for 2016

Issue 2: Internet Sales Tax

Nolo’s 50 State Guide on Internet Sales Tax Laws 
U.S. Census Bureau’s E-commerce Retail Sales Data 
Reuters: “Trump Administration Backs States Bid to Collect Online Sales Taxes” 
USA Today: “Supreme Court Will Decide if Online Retailers Will Collect Sales Tax” 
Investopedia: Pros and Cons of an Internet Sales Tax 
CNN: “Amazon to Start Collecting Taxes Everywhere” Article (March 2017)



Issue 1:  Gun Control Laws

  1. Are you for or against stricter gun-control laws in the U.S.? Why or why not?
  2. Which type of gun-control legislation, if any, do you think would be good for Congress to pass? Examples include banning bump stocks or high-capacity magazines, arming teachers, raising the minimum age, etc.
  3. Do you think the school shooting in Parkland, Florida could have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why?
  4. Are President Trump’s gun-control proposals likely to be effective? Why or why not?
  5. Why is the right to own a gun so important to Americans?

Issue 2: Internet Sales Tax

  1. Do you agree with South Dakota’s position that online sellers who make sales in a state should collect that state’s sales tax? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think it’s fair that someone can visit a local retailer to touch or try on merchandise and get guidance from their staff but then buy the same product at a discount online?
  3. In your opinion, what would be the best solution to putting all retailers on equal footing with regard to internet sales tax?
  4. Why do you think Amazon decided to start collecting sales tax in all states in March 2017?
  5. Compare and contrast the pro/con congressional quotes on p. 3 of the newsletter. Whose opinion do you agree with the most, and why?

Research Links & Critical-Thinking Questions – March 2018


Issue 1: Offshore Drilling

Heritage Foundation: How Offshore Oil and Gas Production Benefits the Economy 

Oceana Report: Safety Measures Will Not Make Offshore Drilling Safe 

Press Release from Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke Announcement 

National Ocean Industries Association Offshore Energy Industry Publications 

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Statistics and Facts 

U.S. Department of Energy Report “Today in Energy” 

Issue 2: Welfare & Drug Testing

H.R.2179 – Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Act 

Think Progress: States Spend Millions to Drug Test the Poor, Few Positive Results 

National Conference of State Legislatures Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients 

Study: “Assessing the Effects of Substance Abuse Among Applicants for TANF Benefits” 

Snopes on Drug Testing Welfare Recipients 

Chicago Tribune: “Wisconsin’s Walker Proposes Welfare Overhaul Plan”

President Trump’s 2019 Budget Proposal 


Issue 1:  Offshore Drilling

  1. Traditionally, Republican lawmakers have favored offshore drilling in U.S. waters. Why do you think some of them are now voicing opposition to it?
  2. What is your opinion on offshore drilling? Do you think it should be allowed in the U.S.? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think offshore drilling in U.S. waters harm the environment? Explain why or why not.
  4. Compare and contrast the pro/con congressional quotes on p. 3 of the newsletter. Whose opinion do you agree with the most, and why?
  5. Would you want offshore drilling to take place in your own community? Why or why not?

Issue 2: Welfare & Drug Testing

  1. Please read the Think Progress report (see link above). Do you think drug testing welfare recipients is worth the cost? Why or why not?
  2. Does your state require drug testing for recipients of welfare programs like SNAP, TANF, etc.?
  3. Research the answer if you don’t know. Do you agree with your state’s policy?
  4. Do you believe the poor are more likely than other groups (such as seniors) who receive government money to use drugs? Why or why not?
  5. Read President Trump’s proposed changes to the SNAP program in his 2019 Budget Proposal (link above). Do you think these changes are a good idea? Why or why not?

Research Links & Critical-Thinking Questions – December 2017


Issue 1: Charter Schools National Alliance for Public Charter Schools “About Charter Schools” National Center for Education Statistics on Charter School Enrollment Statistics National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Facts  Center for Education Reform Charter School Facts NPR: Just What Is a Charter School Anyway?  Issue 2: Debt Ceiling U.S. Department of Treasury on Debt Limit  Congressional Budget Office Report: Economic Outlook for 2017-2027  U.S. Social Security Administration Fact Sheet  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Where Do Our Tax Dollars Go? Politifact: So What Is the Debt Ceiling All About Anyway?


Issue 1: Charter Schools

  1. Do you think funding charter schools with tax dollars hurts traditional public schools? Why or why not?
  2. Proponents of charter schools believe they encourage school competition and innovation. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  3. What are the arguments for and against charter schools? Where do you stand on the issue?
  4. Compare the Democrat and Republican congressional quotes for Issue 1 (charter schools). Whose opinion more closely matches your own view?
  5. What is your position on “school choice?” Do you agree or disagree with the idea?

Issue 2: Debt Ceiling

  1. Do you think Congress should raise or eliminate the debt ceiling, or refuse to raise it yet again? Why?
  2. Compare and contrast the pro/con congressional quotes on p. 3 of the newsletter. Whose opinion do you agree with the most, and why?
  3. Read the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of where our taxes go (see link above). Do you agree with the current budget allocations? Why or why not?
  4. When governments create budgets, they prioritize some programs over others (such as health care or national defense). What types of trade-offs might need to be made in your opinion?
  5. Read the Congressional Budget Office Report on our country’s economic outlook (see link above). What is the long-term projection for the federal debt? How will this affect your future?

Research Links & Critical-Thinking Questions – October 2017


Issue 1: War in Afghanistan Remarks by President Trump on the Strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Report to Congress CIA World Factbook on Afghanistan Brookings Institute Article, “America’s Afghanistan Problem” Heritage Foundation Commentary, “Trump Lays Out Winning Strategy for Afghanistan”

Issue 2: Surveillance Law Letter from Attorney Gen. Sessions Urging Congress to Reauthorize FISA Section 702  Privacy & Civil Liberties Oversight Board 2014 Report on FISA Surveillance Program  Center for Democracy & Technology, “Section 702: What It Is & How It Works”  April 28, 2017, Statement from NSA on Stopping of Certain Section 702 Activities Sen. Rand Paul’s Call for Amendment to End Warrantless Searches of U.S. Citizens  CQ Online Article, “Congress Braces for Tense Debate on Surveillance Law” 


Issue 1: War in Afghanistan

  1. Do you support continuing to have a military presence in Afghanistan? Why or why not?
  2. Read President Trump’s remarks on his strategy for Afghanistan (see link above). Why do you think he chose not to give specifics such as how many troops he will send or state an estimated withdrawal date? Do you agree or disagree with this strategy?
  3. Read the Heritage Foundation commentary (see link above). Do you agree with the author’s reasoning? Why or why not?
  4. Compare and contrast the pro/con congressional quotes on p. 3 of the newsletter. Whose opinion do you agree with most on this issue, and why?
  5. Why do you think President Trump changed his mind on sending more troops to Afghanistan, despite earlier criticizing President Obama for doing so when he was in office?

Issue 2: Surveillance Law

  1. Read the NSA’s April 28, 2017, statement announcing it will no longer include “about” communications in its intelligence gathering activities. Does this assuage any concerns you may have? Why or why not?
  2. Does FISA Section 702 need to be amended to strengthen protections of Americans’ constitutional and privacy rights? Or should Congress permanently reauthorize it as is? Justify and defend your position.
  3. Why do you think some legislators are concerned about the potential for abuse of power among employees and/or contractors of the NSA, FBI and/or CIA?
  4. Read Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Sept. 7, 2017, letter to Congress (see link above). Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not?
  5. Carefully read the wording of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Are Americans’ constitutional rights being violated under the NSA’s current interpretation of FISA Section 702? Why or why not?

Research Links & Critical-Thinking Questions – September 2017


Issue 1: Dreamer Immigrants Dream Act of 2017 Summary Side by Side Comparison of the 2010 and 2017 Dream Acts, and DACA New York Times’ Collection of Dreamers’ Stories “Why I oppose the DREAM Act” Editorial “The Dream Is Now” Documentary Video by Organizing for Action  Issue 2: Civil Asset Forfeiture Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Statement (July 19, 2017) Summary of Report on the DOJ’s Cash Seizure & Forfeiture Activities FOX News Article, “Sessions opens door for police to seize assets” Washington Post Column by George Will, “When Government Is the Looter” “Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture” Report American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Civil Asset Abuse


Issue 1: Dreamer Immigrants

  1. Who are the Dreamers and why are they called Dreamers? If you were in their situation, would you keep your status private at school? Why or why not?
  2. View to view a map of state laws on access to higher education for undocumented immigrants. Find your state and read its policies. Do you feel these policies are fair, unfair or just right?
  3. Read the “Why I Oppose the DREAM Act” editorial (see link above). Do you agree or disagree with this stance? List your arguments and defend your positions.
  4. Watch “The Dream Is Now” video (see link above). Compare and contrast your own dreams and the dreams described by the young people in the video. What are the similarities and differences?
  5. Read the Dream Act of 2017 summary (see link above). If you were a member of Congress, would you vote yay or nay on this legislation? Why?

Issue 2: Civil Asset Forfeiture

  1. Civil asset forfeiture is one of the few bipartisan issues on which right-leaning Republicans and left-leaning Democrats agree. Why do you think this is so?
  2. In your opinion, does civil asset forfeiture violate citizens’ constitutional rights? Why or why not?
  3. Read the summary of the DOJ report (see link above). Do the findings challenge or support your position on civil asset forfeiture?
  4. Read Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statement on July 19, 2017 (see link above). Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not?
  5. According to the Fifth Amendment, “no person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Why do some people see civil asset forfeiture as a violation of the “due process” clause?

Research Links & Critical Thinking Questions for May 2017 Issues


For further research, please see the links below. Links have been shortened for your convenience. Issue 1: Syrian Missile Strikes Statement by President Trump on Syria Bernie Sanders’ Opposition to Missile Strikes Visual Guide to Missile Strikes on Syrian Airbase Heritage Foundation on Missile Strikes Video Brookings Institute Pros & Cons to Missile Strikes Issue 2: Minimum Wage U.S. Department of Labor – Minimum Wages by State Raise the Minimum Wage U.S. Chamber of Commerce Article National Women’s Law Center on Minimum Wage CNBC Article on Universal Basic Income Congressional Budget Office Report


Help students develop their critical-thinking skills on legislative issues with these essay questions. Issue 1: Syrian Missile Strikes

  1. Please read the pro and con arguments in the Brookings Institute article (link above). Which side do you agree most with, and why?
  2. Will military intervention solve the Syrian conflict? Why or why not?
  3. Does the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons on Syrian civilians justify the U.S. missile strikes?
  4. What could potentially go wrong as a result of the U.S. missile strikes on the Syrian airbase? What could go right?
  5. Should the U.S. intervene in Middle East controversies such as the Syrian Civil War? Where should we draw the line?

Issue 2: Minimum Wage

  1. Using the U.S. Department of Labor link above, see if your state has a minimum wage law. How does your state compare to other states? Do you think it should be higher or lower than it is?
  2. How does the minimum wage issue relate to income, gender and race inequality?
  3. Please read the CNBC article (link above). Should the U.S. should establish a “universal basic income?” Why or why not?
  4. If you worked at a job that paid the current minimum wage of $7.25, you would work one hour and receive about enough money to pay for a fast food combo meal. Is that fair?
  5. Do you think that if the minimum wage was raised, it would ultimately help or hurt workers?

Links & Critical Thinking Questions – March 2017


For further research, please see the links below. Links have been shortened for your convenience. Issue 1: Sanctuary Cities Center for Immigration Studies – Sanctuary Cities Map President Trump’s Executive Order Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act (H.R.400) Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act of 2017 (H.R.748) Heritage Foundation OpEd Washington Post Article Issue 2: Regulations Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2017 (H.R.26) President Trump’s Executive Order U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Regulatory Reform League of Women Voters Position Statement on REINS Act Natural Resources Defense Council


Help students develop their critical-thinking skills on legislative issues with these essay questions. Issue 1: Sanctuary Cities

  1. Before reading about sanctuary cities and discussing the issue in class, did you already have an opinion on the topic? If so, did it change? Summarize your view on the issue.
  2. Using the first link above, view the sanctuary cities map. Why do you think many of the largest U.S. cities choose to provide sanctuary to immigrants? This could be from a practical and/or philosophical perspective.
  3. Should local jurisdictions cooperate with federal immigration officials, or should they be allowed to remain as “sanctuaries?” Explain your position.
  4. Do you think de-funding sanctuary cities will ultimately help or hurt local communities?
  5. Is de-funding sanctuary cities the best solution? Are there other alternatives that might satisfy both sides?

Issue 2: Regulations

  1. If the REINS Act is made into a law, how might that affect the safety of the citizens in places like Flint, Michigan, where the water is unsafe to drink?
  2. What guidelines or values should the government go by when creating regulations?
  3. If businesses were left alone by the government, do you think they would put the interests of American citizens first? Why or why not?
  4. List some examples of regulations that affect you personally (e.g., food safety, clean air and water). Are they necessary or do they go too far?
  5. What are the consequences of creating too many regulations? Of NOT creating such regulations?

Ideas for Teachers (Links & Critical-Thinking Questions) – February 2017


For further research, please see the links below. Links have been shortened for your convenience. Issue 1: Charter Schools National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Center for Media and Democracy Findings National Center for Education Statistics National Charter School Resource Center NPR – What Should Parents Know About Charter Schools? Issue 2: Pipeline About the Pipeline from Energy Transfer Partners Protesting the Pipeline (Inside Energy) Time Magazine Article 5 Things to Know About the Pipeline NPR – Pipeline Update for 2017 Top 3 Pipeline Pros & Cons (


Help students develop their critical-thinking skills on legislative issues with these essay questions. Can be used for classroom discussion, essay writing, homework, debate, etc. Issue 1: Charter Schools

  1. Do you think funding charter schools with tax dollars hurts traditional public schools? Why or why not?
  2. Proponents of charter schools believe they encourage school competition and innovation. Do you agree or disagree?
  3. What are the arguments for and against charter schools? Where do you stand on the issue?
  4. Compare the Democrat and Republican congressional quotes for Issue 1 (charter schools). Whose opinion more closely matches your own view?
  5. Please review the “Federal Role of Government in Education” infographic and describe what makes charter schools different than traditional public schools?

Issue 2: Pipeline

  1. Using the “Top 3 Pipeline Pros & Cons” link above, summarize the arguments of those for and against the pipeline. Which side do you agree with?
  2. Did the Army Corps of Engineers make the right decision to halt production of the Pipeline? Why or why not?
  3. What might be a solution to the problem that would satisfy both sides?
  4. Which should come first – our country’s environment or the ability to produce our own energy?
  5. Why do you think the Dakota Access Pipeline protests have drawn national media attention?

Ideas for Teachers (Links & Critical-Thinking Questions) – November 2016

LINKS For further research, please see the links below.  Issue 1: Greater Sage-Grouse PBS Video, “The Sagebrush Sea” House Rider Text U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Land Management’s “In Aid of an Icon” Video Fox News  Greater Sage-grouse FAQs Issue 2: Trans-Pacific Partnership Office of The United States Trade Representative Complete Text of TPP Trade Agreement U.S. International Trade Commission Report  Joseph Stiglitz – 6 Problems with the TPP U.S. Chamber of Commerce Brookings Institute – The Case for the TPP


Help students develop their critical-thinking skills on legislative issues with these essay questions. Can be used for classroom discussion, essay writing, homework, debate, etc. Issue 1: Greater Sage-Grouse

  1. Compare and contrast the positions of those for and against protecting the sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act. Who is right in your opinion and why?
  2. How does the sage-grouse’s ability to survive and thrive impact the other species that live in the sagebrush ecosystem and ultimately humankind?
  3. Do you believe it’s necessary to list sage-grouse as endangered? What evidence supports your answer?
  4. Read the congressional quotes for Issue 1 (greater sage-grouse). Are there any errors in reasoning or biases that influence their positions?
  5. Have the conservation coalitions done enough to protect the sage-grouse? Why or why not?

Issue 2: Trans-Pacific Partnership

  1. What changes, if any, would you recommend to the provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that was signed on Feb. 4, 2016?
  2. One of the most controversial provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) enforcement system, which allows multinational corporations to sue a country’s government (and its taxpayers) if they believe that country’s regulations are hurting their profits. Why do you think critics are strongly opposed to this provision?
  3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
  4. Do you believe the TPP would ultimately help or hurt American workers in the job market?
  5. Read the congressional quotes for Issue 2 (TPP). Whose opinion do you agree with and why?