NUCLEAR ENERGY is found in the nucleus of atoms. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. To make electricity, energy must be released from these atoms through either fission or fusion.
Issue 1: Liquefied Natural Gas H.R.7176, “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024”
White House: “Biden Announces Pause on Approvals of LNG Exports”
Reuters: “U.S. House Passes Bill to Reverse Biden’s LNG Pause” “Why Pausing LNG Exports Is Bad Foreign Policy” “Liquefied Natural Gas 101” “Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)”
Issue 2: Nuclear Energy H.R.6544 “Atomic Energy Advancement Act”
The Hill OpEd: “Conflicts of Interest Nuclear Laws Could Undermine Safety”
World Nuclear Association: “Nuclear Power in the World Today”
New York Times: “Nuclear Power Bill Passed by House, Support Grows”
Center for Sustainable Systems (University of MI): “Nuclear Energy Fact Sheet” “Nuclear Power 101”
Issue 1: Liquefied Natural Gas
- Read the White House statement on why the Biden administration temporarily paused exports of LNG (link above). Do you agree with the decision and its rationale? Why or why not?
- What are the arguments for and against the U.S. continuing to export liquefied natural gas (LNG)?
- Environmental activists argue that furthering U.S. LNG exports is incompatible with our climate commitments because they will lock in fossil fuel consumption to the detriment of renewable energy sources. How would you respond to their position?
- Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) has said that climate advocates who fight LNG projects are heroes. “I can only hope that we build off Biden’s pause to get to a green, clean future,” he said. If Rep. Frost was (or is) your congressman, what would you write to him in a letter?
- What is an example of an energy source that is renewable and has less environmental impact than fossil fuels?
Issue 2: Nuclear Energy
- What images spring to mind when you hear the term “nuclear energy?”
- Is nuclear energy better than fossil fuels? Should we pursue other strategies like geothermal and solar instead?
- Are the impacts of the Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (Japan, 2011) nuclear accidents still relevant today? If so, how?
- How would you feel if a nuclear power plant were built in your community?
- Are there better alternatives to nuclear energy?