DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILD-HOOD ARRIVALS (DACA) is a deferred action policy implemented by the Obama administration in June 2012. It protects qualifying young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, temporarily shielding them from deportation and providing them work authorization with possible renewal every year (until recently, every two years).
Issue 1: Dream Act S.365 “Dream Act of 2023”
National Immigration Forum: “Bill Summary – Dream Act of 2023” “Dreamers by the Numbers”
Migration Policy Institute: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Data Tools”
White House: “Statement by President Biden on Protecting Dreamers”
Heritage Foundation: “DACA May Help ‘Dreamers,’ but Illegal Immigration Hurts U.S.”
Issue 2: Universal Child Care S.388 “Child Care for Every Community Act”
Virginia Commonwealth University: “The History of Child Care in the U.S.” “That Time America Paid for Universal Day Care” “The U.S. Almost Had Universal Child Care 50 Years Ago” “A Brief, Shameful History of Childcare in the United States”
Rasmussen University: “Exploring the Potential Pros and Cons of Universal Pre-K”
Issue 1: Dream Act
What are some reasons people immigrate (legally and illegally) to the United States? What challenges might they face? Do you think their expectations for a better life are met? If not, how does this country disappoint or not live up its promise?
What do you think the U.S. government should do to address the legal status of undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children?
Who are the Dreamers? What requirements must they meet to be eligible for citizenship under the Dream Act?
What is the most compelling argument to pass the Dream Act? What is the most convincing reason not to?
What solutions might students offer legislators when considering the futures of young people brought to the country as children?
Issue 2: Universal Child Care
Do you think that U.S. taxpayers should fund the cost of childcare for working families? Why or why not?
Should child care be left to individual parents and families, or is it a broader, societal issue? Explain.
Do you think that child care workers should be paid more for the work they do? Why or why not?
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said, “It’s impossible to have a strong economy when it’s too expensive to work because of child care.” Do you agree with her statement? Why or why not?
How might a lack of access to high quality and affordable child care impact working women more so than working men? What are the implications for gender inequality?