Ideas for Teachers for February 2024

Jan 19, 2024 | Ideas For Teachers


THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools. Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the program provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or no-cost lunches to children each school day.

Issue 1: Whole Milk H.R.1147, “Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023”
USDA: “The National School Lunch Program Fact Sheet” “Whole Milk Facts”
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: “Dairy Milk Isn’t Healthy” “Debate Surrounds Nutrition of Full-Fat Milk” “School Cafeterias Might Serve Whole Milk Again”

Issue 2: FISA Surveillance
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: “Constitutional Amendment 4: Privacy”
Brennan Center for Justice: “Congress Should Not Reauthorize Surveillance”
Center for Strategic & International Studies: “Reforming Section 702 of FISA”
Americans for Prosperity: “Key Vote Alert: Vote YES on HR 6570″
WaPo Op-Ed: “FISA Provision Vital to Beating the Opioid Crisis”
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “Surveillance ‘Reform’ Bill a Farce”


Issue 1: Whole Milk

  1. Regulations limiting milk options for schools surfaced under the Obama administration, when former First Lady Michelle Obama championed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Are programs like these examples of government overreach? Why or why not?
  2. If you had the option to buy whole or 2% milk (flavored or unflavored) for your school lunches, would you drink milk more? If so, what advantages and/or disadvantages would that bring?
  3. What weight should be given to the opinions of nutrition experts, parents, and even children when determining what food is served in schools?
  4. By limiting children’s lunch options to only fat-free or low-fat milk, is the government actually discouraging kids from drinking milk?
  5. If the “Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act” is passed by Congress, can you think of any negative consequences that might occur? Would the potential negative consequences outweigh the benefits?

Issue 2: FISA Surveillance


  1. Does FISA Section 702 need to be amended to strengthen protections of Americans’ constitutional and privacy rights? Or should Congress permanently reauthorize it as is?
  2. Why do you think some legislators are concerned about the potential for abuse of power among employees and/or contractors of federal government intelligence agencies?
  3. Read the wording of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (link above). Opponents of FISA Section 702 claim that it creates a “massive end run around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Are Americans’ constitutional rights possibly being violated by some federal agencies’ current interpretations of FISA Section 702? Why or why not?
  5. What reforms, if any, would balance the national security value of the foreign intelligence collection program with the protection of privacy rights and civil liberties?