LINKS For further research, please see the links below. Issue 1: Greater Sage-Grouse PBS Video, “The Sagebrush Sea” House Rider Text U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Land Management’s “In Aid of an Icon” Video Fox News Greater Sage-grouse FAQs Issue 2: Trans-Pacific Partnership Office of The United States Trade Representative Complete Text of TPP Trade Agreement U.S. International Trade Commission Report Joseph Stiglitz – 6 Problems with the TPP U.S. Chamber of Commerce Brookings Institute – The Case for the TPP
Help students develop their critical-thinking skills on legislative issues with these essay questions. Can be used for classroom discussion, essay writing, homework, debate, etc. Issue 1: Greater Sage-Grouse
- Compare and contrast the positions of those for and against protecting the sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act. Who is right in your opinion and why?
- How does the sage-grouse’s ability to survive and thrive impact the other species that live in the sagebrush ecosystem and ultimately humankind?
- Do you believe it’s necessary to list sage-grouse as endangered? What evidence supports your answer?
- Read the congressional quotes for Issue 1 (greater sage-grouse). Are there any errors in reasoning or biases that influence their positions?
- Have the conservation coalitions done enough to protect the sage-grouse? Why or why not?
Issue 2: Trans-Pacific Partnership
- What changes, if any, would you recommend to the provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that was signed on Feb. 4, 2016?
- One of the most controversial provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) enforcement system, which allows multinational corporations to sue a country’s government (and its taxpayers) if they believe that country’s regulations are hurting their profits. Why do you think critics are strongly opposed to this provision?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
- Do you believe the TPP would ultimately help or hurt American workers in the job market?
- Read the congressional quotes for Issue 2 (TPP). Whose opinion do you agree with and why?