Issue 1: Birthright Citizenship
Heritage Foundation: “A Fundamental Misunderstanding of 14th Amendment”
Constitution Center: “Revisiting the Birthright Citizenship Question”
American Immigration Council: “Birthright Citizenship”
CNN News: “How Trump Is Banking on 18th Century Laws for Citizenship”
PBS News: “What Is Birthright Citizenship and Could Trump End It?”
Reuters: “Biden Says Awful that Trump Seeks to End Birthright Citizenship”
Issue 2: Daylight Saving Time S.582, “Sunshine Protection Act” “What Is Daylight Saving Time?”
AASM Sleep Education: “Daylight Saving Time Resources”
Farmer’s Almanac: “Daylight Saving Time 2025”
National Conference of State Legislatures: “DST State Legislation”
Encyclopedia Britannica: “Daylight Saving Time News”
Issue 1: Birthright Citizenship
- After reading the Issue One page of the newsletter, what are your views on the issue of birthright citizenship?
- Are you for or against ending U.S. birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants? Why? Justify your answers with arguments.
- Do you feel that undocumented immigrants take advantage of the current U.S. policy on birthright citizenship? Why or why not?
- Were you aware of the issue before reading these materials? Had you formed an opinion? If so, has your opinion changed? Why or why not?
- What are the costs of maintaining the current policy on birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. of undocumented immigrants?
Issue 2: Daylight Saving Time
- Should the United States make daylight saving time permanent year round? Why or why not?
- Visit and read the arguments for permanent standard time. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the proposal?
- How does “springing forward” and “falling back” affect you personally? Which time zone do you prefer and why?
- Why do you think some states opt out of daylight saving time?
- Compare and contrast the economic advantages and disadvantages of daylight saving time with those of standard time. Is daylight saving time better for the economy overall? Explain your answer.