Issue 1: Minimum Wage “H.R.582 – Raise the Wage Act”
Fox Business: “Republicans Slam Democrats’ $15 Minimum Wage Bill”
Pew Research: “Minimum Wage Action Is in Cities, States, not Congress”
Yahoo Finance: “CBO: Raising Minimum Wage Has a Downside”
Economic Policy Institute: “Why America Needs a $15 Minimum Wage”
Vox: “$15 Federal Minimum Wage Won’t Cost Americans Jobs, New Study Says”
Department of Labor: “State Minimum Wage Laws”
Issue 2: War Powers
White House: “Statement of Administration Policy on S.J.Res.68” “S.J.Res.68 Joint Resolution on Iran War Powers”
Library of Congress: “War Powers”
CNN: “House Passes Iran War Powers Resolution Opposed by Trump” “Power to Declare War” (History)
NPR: “War Powers Resolution On Iran Is Latest Attempt By Congress”
Issue 1: Minimum Wage
- Visit the U.S. Department of Labor link above to see if your state has a minimum wage law. How does your state compare to other states? Do you think your state’s minimum wage should be higher or lower than it is? Why?
- How does the federal minimum wage issue relate to gender and race?
- Do you support or oppose raising the federal minimum wage? Why?
- If Congress raised the federal minimum wage, would it ultimately help or hurt workers? Why?
- Read the text of “H.R.582 – Raise the Wage Act” (link above). Do you agree or disagree that this bill would be good for the U.S.? Why?
Issue 2: War Powers
- How has the United States’ history of interventions and conflicts with Iran led to the recent situation with Iran?
- What exactly are the war powers of the U.S. president, and how should they be used with regard to Iran?
- How do you think military action or war policy should be decided when conflicts arise?
- How has Congress responded to presidential war powers since 9/11? Why do you think Congress hasn’t taken more of a role in war powers?
- Read the “pro” and “con” quotes for war powers on p. 3 of the newsletter. Decide whose opinion you agree with most and why?