Issue 1: Social Media Bias
White House: “Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship”
The Hill OpEd: “Censoring Biden Story, How Social Media Becomes State Media”
Pew Research: “Most Americans Think Social Media Sites Censor Political Views”
CBS News: “Censorship on social media? It’s not what you think”
Cato Institute: “Why the Government Should Not Regulate Social Media”
The Hill: “FCC to Move Forward with Executive Order on Tech’s Liability”
Issue 2: Universal Basic Income
Stanford University: “What is Universal Basic Income?”
USA Today: “California city to give free cash in guaranteed income program”
Andrew Yang: “The Freedom Dividend, Defined”
Pew Research: “More Americans Oppose than Favor Universal Basic Income” “Universal Basic Income Study”
Pew Charitable Trusts: “Momentum for Basic Income Builds as Pandemic Drags”
Issue 1: Social Media Bias
- Read President Donald Trump’s “Executive on Preventing Online Censorship” (link above). Do you feel his action was a good solution to social media bias? Why or why not?
- In your own experience with social media, have you encountered social media bias? If so, what do you think is a good solution to this problem?
- How does the Bill of Rights’ First Amendment protect free speech in the U.S.?
- Do you believe Section 230’s protections for big tech companies need to be revised? How would you revise them?
- Do you believe Twitter’s and Facebook’s response to the New York Post article on Hunter Biden was justified? Why or why not?
Issue 2: Universal Basic Income
- Should Universal Basic Income replace existing welfare programs? Why or why not?
- If Universal Basic Income became a reality, how much should it be per month?
- Some people believe that giving everyone a UBI would simply lead to higher prices (e.g., inflation), defeating the entire point of it. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- Should UBI really go to everyone, or would it be better to target it to those who need it most? Why or why not?
- Would implementing a UBI program de-incentivize people to work? Why or why not?