Issue 1: Smoking Age
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids: States & Localities That Have Raised the MLSA to 21
National Academy of Sciences: “Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco”
American Heart Association: “Tobacco, No Minor Issue” Fact Sheet
American Lung Association: “Tracking Progress Toward Raising Minimum Sale Age”
Study: “Raising the Tobacco Sales Age to 21: Surveying the Legal Landscape” (2016)
Worth It: Tobacco Facts
Tobacco 21: Tobacco 21 Fact Sheet
Issue 2: Tech Regulations
The Hill OpEd: “Regulate Social Media Just Like Other Media”
Washington Post OpEd: “Don’t Regulate Facebook”
PBS: “Stopping Foreign Meddling in U.S. Elections Via Social Media Is Enormous Task” Honest Ads Act (S. 1989) Section by Section Should the Internet Be Regulated by the Government?
The Conversation: “Government Regulation of Social Media Would Be Worse”
Issue 1: Smoking Age
- Should the U.S. make it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy tobacco products in all states? Why or why not?
- Do you think increasing the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products infringes on young people’s rights? Why or why not?
- If cigarettes and other tobacco products were more difficult to obtain in stores, do you think teenagers would be less inclined to want them? Why or why not?
- What do you think is the appropriate minimum age for purchasing tobacco products? Why?
- What are the arguments for and against raising the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products? Which position do you agree with and why?
Issue 2: Tech Regulations
- Do you think the government should regulate tech companies like Facebook and Google? Why or why not?
- Read for pro and con congressional quotes on raising the smoking age on p. 3. Whose opinion do you agree most with, and why?
- Are social media platforms like Twitter subject to the First Amendment?
- Is there a right to free speech on social media owned by private tech companies?
- Do you trust social and search companies like Facebook and Google to regulate themselves? Why or why not?